
Easy Biohacks to Relieve Stress while working from home

I have seen how work-related stress has resulted in decreased productivity. And as a personal example, I have to say that a stressful lifestyle gave way to fragmented and weak focus in my job and overall work. But it was not meant to be like this.

Companies such as Google today offer comprehensive wellness programs, fitness centers, and sleeping pods for employees to battle stress. Let’s look at quick easy steps, supported by science, you can take to reduce stress and enhance your productivity.

  • Ensure that your diet supports optimal cognitive function.
  • Keep away from excessive social media activities.
  • The right amount and quality sleep.
  • Ensure you have a consistent exercise routine that you commit to each day.
  • Move from sitting to standing for desk related activities.
  • Meditate through binaural beats.
  • Consume brain-boosting botanicals such as Brahmi and Ashwagandha supplements.

Food matters

What you choose to eat, and also not to eat can significantly affect your cognition and moods. This, in turn, can influence your ability to perform at your very best in the office. So, for starters, cut down your carbohydrate content.

Eliminate sugar from your diet entirely as high blood sugar as its fluctuations in your blood sugar levels can prevent proper information processing, your concentration, memory and cognitive function. Introduce whole fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, nuts and seeds in place of sugar and carbohydrates.

Healthy and monounsaturated fats are crucial to brain health

Did you know that your brain comprises of 60% fat? So, the kind of fat you consume can greatly affect the fatty acid composition of your brain. Your dietary fat intake, in particular, omega-3 fatty acids, is essential for proper brain health. This is because, DHA (or Docosahexaenoic acid) is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid that is abundantly found in fish, and vital for optimum cognitive function, overall concentration, optimal neurogenesis and neural plasticity.
On the other hand, healthy fats found in coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil can work as premium fuel for your brain. The medium-chain triglycerides can enhance your body’s production of ketone molecules that are critical for your mind.

Lack of quality sleep

Stress = Anxiety; can impact your health greatly
Until recently, limited rest was viewed as a sign of a highly dedicated person. But, increasing studies show how a lack of good quality sleep or sleep deprivation can affect your performance at work and in other activities significantly. In fact, it could actually make you worse at your job!

Sleep cycle or Circadian Rhythm: Be in tune with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle or circadian rhythm. If you maintain a steady sleep-wake timetable, you’ll feel much more invigorated and stimulated than if you rest the equivalent number of hours at separate times, even if you only change your sleep timings by an hour or two.

To set your circadian rhythm to a natural state, check out these proven biohack sleep methods:

  1. Regulate your coffee intake

  2. Power down all your devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime

  3. Eat a diet rich in prebiotic foods&nbsp

  4. Include sleep nutrients supplements such as Potassium and Magnesium

  5. Plan your workout accordingly

  6. Aim for at least eight hours of consistent, healthy sleep without interruptions

  7. Stay away from social media before you go to sleep, or limit your watching of television. Use blue light blocking glasses to limit the blue light exposure and ensure that you sleep in a completely dark room with blackout curtains.

Experiments with Nootropics to combat Stress and improve mental focus

Piracetam, choline, Deprenyl, Ashwagandha, Omega 3 etc. and the list could go on and one. What do these strange names have in common? These, and more, are nootropics AKA smart drugs that are safe ways to squeeze more performance out of your brain. 

If you’ve marvelled at the movie, ‘Limitless’ and have always craved the mental capacity of Bradley Cooper, it’s time to experiment with safe and tested mind-enhancing substances that can support certain brain functions, including memory, mental speed, and focus. It can be worth your while to read up on the many and fascinating supplements out there to boost specific physical and mental capabilities. For more details read our guide on What is Nootropics?, also here are some popular ones that you must know:

While these hacks can help you slowly build your way through a unique biohacking experience for yourself, also remember to ensure that you establish a regular exercise routine during the day.

Not only can you improve your mood, but you will also fall ill less and be able to achieve enhanced performance in whatever task you do.

Honey Singh

Published by
Honey Singh

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