How to Transform Your Irregular Sleep Patterns?

Biohack Sleep
how to have deep sleep biohack

Looking to sleep better? You’ve come to the right place. Let me help you with some interesting facts about sleep and how to sleep soundly through biohacking methods.

A little more about the science of sleep 

Don’t you think sleep is one of the strangest things that we do every day? Did you know that on average, adults spend at least 35% of their life in sleep? From spending one-third of part-time and highly intensive activity, we then slip into hibernation. 

So, what exactly is sleep, why is it so crucial, and how does it affect your life when you are awake?

Why sleep matters and what is its purpose

There are numerous benefits to sleeping.

  1. The first most crucial goal of sleep is to restore your body. During the day, your brain collects metabolic waste. This is entirely normal. But, having too much of these waste products in your brain has been linked to neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. So then how does the body get rid of metabolic waste? Through sleep. Each night, sleep cleans out the brain by flushing the toxins accumulated during waking hours.
  2. The second important goal of sleep is to consolidate your memory. Sleep helps in maintaining and strengthening your memories. If you have a night of poor sleep for an extended period, it can affect your ability to form established and emotional memories.
  3. Finally, sleep is critical for your overall metabolism. Lack of sleep can cause you to gain excess fat and result in muscle loss.

How much should you sleep each night?

A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and Washington State University showed that lack of sleep caused the mental and physical decline. Besides, the participants didn’t even notice their performance and became poor judges of how their abilities were decreasing by the day.

So, research suggests 7.5 to 8 hours of good quality sleep every night. If you’re looking to function the next day properly, anywhere between 7 to 8 hours of sleep is essential.

Correcting your sleep quality through your circadian rhythm

Your circadian rhythm is a biological cycle that consists of various processes that take place within 24 hours. And this circadian rhythm is impacted by three critical factors.

  • Light: Stare into bright, natural sunlight for 30 minutes to reset your circadian rhythm.
  • Time: Your daily schedule, your time of waking and sleeping, and how you perform all your tasks is what impacts your sleeping and waking cycle.
  • Melatonin: This is a crucial sleep hormone that controls your body temperature and causes drowsiness.

Ways to Biohack sleep 

  1. Switch off all artificial lights: Power down all artificial light from your smartphone, television or computer screen. Since melatonin is sensitive to light, if your body is exposed to light even after sunset, it may not be able to enter the sleep phase and prepare your body for good sleep.
  2. Meditation and relaxation techniques: Begin deep breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation methods such as practising gratitude, or writing a daily journal that can lower your stress levels.
  3. Stay away from caffeine before bedtime: Remember to keep caffeine only till noontime. This can give you enough time to wear off caffeine effects before you head off to sleep.
  4. External aids: Blue blocking lens and covering your bedroom with blackout curtains or wearing an eye mask can help you fall asleep faster and energise you for your next day.

For further reading on tips to Re-Tuning your Circadian Rhythm or biohack sleep:

  1. Practice deep abdominal breathing
  2. Get Some Sun
  3. Avoid blue light exposure
  4. If possible, use candles or red-light during sunset. 
  5. Eat your last meal before the sunsets
  6. Use blackout curtains or wear a sleep mask


Conquering your sleep habits can be crucial between you and optimal performance. In a culture where we are racing against time, getting the right sleep can be your tool against stress.