Music is a significant component of my day. I use music when travelling, exercising, going about my daily chores, and most importantly using it as a medium to enhance my biohacking schedules. If you thought music was purely for listening pleasure, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Music is a crucial biohacking avenue that can transform your moods in more ways than one.
For example, if you’ve known or heard about binaural beats and wonder how it works, it has a simple philosophy. For instance, the brain synthesizes binaural beats naturally. When you listen to this special music, your left and right ears receive different sounds and tone frequencies. When your brain captures these different frequencies from both your ears, it produces a consistent and rhythmic frequency known as binaural beats, which is what you are actually perceiving. And using this scientific principle, you can now induce specific states into your body such as healing, transcendental meditation and awareness by listening to binaural beats and even chanting the sacred ‘OM’, Tibetan chanting or meditation.
Here some tips, processes and ways which will help you in mood uplift with music:
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Tuning Your Brain Functioning Through Biohacking Music
Today, with the help of new feedback technology, you can quickly train your brain into accessing elevated states of consciousness.
And while your brain map is unique from any other person, you will have the power of controlling powerful brainwave states such as Alpha, Delta, Gamma and Theta to induce you into a meditative or uplifting mood, depending on your need.
Biohacking Music And Scientific Evidence
More and more scientific studies are showing conclusive and definite research on brain wave entrainment and its effects through the powerful use of binaural beats, chakra meditation and Tibetan chants. Scientific research conducted in 2018 revealed the changes in the bioelectrical brainwave activities of participants brains that took place while they were listening to specific types of music. For instance, it was seen that Sonata K 448 was instrumental in improving spatial performance.
From binaural beats and isochronic tones, gamma frequency music has the potential of awakening, energizing, recharging and heightening your moods. Further, it can also induce you into a relaxed state of focus, improve your learning and solving problems, accelerate your studying and concentration techniques and improve your peak mental states.
What is brain waves?
Brainwaves are rhythmic, repetitive patterns of neural activity (neural oscillations) in the central nervous system. Brainwaves can be produced by synchronised electrical pulses from different masses of neurons communicating with each other. Neural tissue can generate oscillatory patterns in many ways, driven either by mechanisms within individual neurons or by interactions between different masses of neurons.
Note: Brainwaves are also directly proportional to what we are doing and how we feeling. Example: A slower brainwaves is related to the feeling of slow, dreamy, sleepy & resting state of mind. A higher frequencies brainwaves are related to the feelings of charged up, focused or a situation of the hyper-alert body.
A standard way to measure the speed of a Brainwaves is like any other sound, i.e Hertz (Hz). Sound frequency is the speed of the sound’s vibration which determines the pitch of the sound.
What are the types of Brainwaves?
Brainwaves are divided into bands of slow, moderate, and fast waves which also knew as Delta waves (. 5 to 3 Hz), Theta waves (3 to 8 Hz), Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz), Beta waves (12 to 38 Hz) & Gamma waves (38 to 42 Hz).
Characteristics of brainwaves with biohacking of music & body state

Delta waves (. 5 to 3 Hz)
Delta waves are low-frequency repetitive patterns of neural activity when we usually have the deepest meditation and dreamless sleep. Delta waves give an inert feeling to mind by detaching them from external awareness. It generates a feeling of empathy. So if you need inert state of mind, you can expose & heal yourself to this frequency. Theta waves (3 to 10 Hz)
Theta waves are repetitive patterns of neural activity when we are in deep sleep or concentrated mediation. How to biohack this music? Theta waves are associated with the body state where we can have high intubation and read to have strong cognitive function of mind & memory. State of Mind: Situation when we think about our self, our history, nightmares, fears. One can practice and biohack this state of mind and can overcome their deep fears.
Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz)
Alpha waves are repetitive patterns of neural activity when we are constant quite flow of thoughts. How to biohack this music? Alpha waves are related to consciousness present state of mind. While Alpha waves are the resting state for the brain but it aids learning, planning, mental coordination, mind and body interactions.
Sample Alpha waves:
Beta waves (12 to 38 Hz)
Beta waves are repetitive patterns of neural activity when we are thinking about the outside world. The frequency is usually high and related to the fast activity of the mind. How to biohack this music? Inducing these waves can give alertness, more problem-solving state, alert, we have string decision making feeling & have highly focused mental activity.
There three division of Beta brainwaves 1) Lo-Beta (Beta1, 12-15Hz), when the body feels fast-calm or musing with thoughts, 2) Beta (Beta2, 15-22Hz) is a state when the body feels thoughtful solving, trying to solve a problem with the engagement of thoughts. 3) Hi-Beta (Beta3, 22-38Hz), a state when the body feels complex thoughts, high on excitement or anxiety of thoughts. Just like a normal machine, a continual high frequency runs results into burn out and is not always ideal for a long duration.Gamma waves(38 to 100 Hz)
Gamma waves are the fasted repetitive patterns of neural activity. These waves transfer information from various location of the brain. Gamma brainwaves are regarded as the swiftest documented brainwave frequency range that oscillates between 38 to 100 Hz. Through the use of meditation, people experience Gamma brainwaves. So if you are looking to reinforce your cognitive control of emotion, you can train yourself to produce more of this particular frequency with the help of specific music.
From binaural beats and isochronic tones, gamma frequency music has the potential of awakening, energizing, recharging and heightening your moods. Let’s say you want to use binaural beats to relieve stress. Here’s what you can do:
- Get into a meditative state, switch on your favourite calming binaural beats. And become aware of your mental movement.
- Understand your mental chatter and you will realize some of its negative trends.
- You can shut this down in two ways: 1. Continue to bring your mind and focus on the music each time you wander off to your worries; 2. Whenever you feel an unwanted thought intruding your mind, immediately replace it with a happy thought.
- The best part about listening to meditative binaural beats is once you get accustomed to it, you will easily relax into the music and slowly allow the beats to do the work without having to train your mind again and again.
How to choose music for the right feeling?
Because of so much variety in brainwaves, it may become difficult to choose the right one. So here is a list of some of the good ones that you can begin with:
- Binaural Beats Meditation
- Ennora
- Iawake
- Unexplainable store
- Holosync
- HemiSync
- BlissCoded Sound
- MP3 meditation
- Deep zen meditation
Pickup a good set of headphones
There are plenty of different types of sleep headphones, so check out the best one for your listening pleasure. It doesn’t matter which brand you use, as long as the quality is excellent, it offers best in class bass and stereo effects. Another positive would be to opt for noise-cancelling or wireless as well.
So, if you’re looking for the right music to study and focus, remember to opt for beta and alpha frequencies. Experiment and see what you find comfortable with. If you’re looking to use binaural beats to induce deep and quality sleep, look for Delta and theta frequencies.
If you’re looking to introduce biohacking music, you could begin with small sessions of music therapy and increase your exposure to various kinds of positive mood enhancement tunes to build into your daily lifestyle.