The concept of biohacking has raked in numerous followers who are showing positive improvements in their health and well-being by making tiny yet incremental changes in their diet and lifestyles. But for biohacking to succeed or every individual, it requires a deep understanding of the concept and learning how to do it safely. What it further involves is being constantly aware and well informed on what works for your body to improve it and enhance its performance.
How the human body processes nutrition and transforms nutrient foods into energy and essential components for ourselves is nothing less than miraculous. As a biohacker, you can modulate your metabolism with the help of diet or intermittent fasting and exercise. If you’re looking for easy ways to speed up metabolic activity throughout the day, such as keep your glucose and fat cells burning, opt for these simple hacks below that involve no form of gruelling exercise or stringent diet.

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What is the basic energy requirement of the body?
Don’t just count your calories, understand what is the Energy required for the basic function of the body. It is important to control body weight and avoid obesity. Adenosine triphosphate (or ATP) (C10H16N5O13P3) is used to transport chemical energy in many important body processes. Just like automobile fuel (gas/petrol), ATP is required for resting, sleeping, running or any body functioning. ATP plays a key role in metabolism while transferring energy within the cells. All key function of metabolism requires an appropriate amount of energy sourced from ATP. These key function includes aerobic respiration (glycolysis and the citric acid cycle), fermentation, cellular division, photophosphorylation, motility (e.g., shortening of myosin and actin filament cross-bridges as well as cytoskeleton construction), exocytosis and endocytosis, photosynthesis, protein synthesis. While ATP creates energy, TEE (total energy expenditure defines which function requires what amount & type of energy for normal functioning).
How ATP (C10H16N5O13P3) Produces Energy
ATP C10H16N5O13P3 creates energy by breaking Phosphate bond in an exothermic reaction. In a simple word, ATP breaks into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to release energy in the body.
ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi + Energy (Δ G = -30.5 kJ.mol-1)
ATP + H2O → AMP + PPi + Energy (Δ G = -45.6 kJ.mol-1)

Note: Exothermic reactions are reactions or processes that release energy, usually in the form of heat or light. In an exothermic reaction, energy is released because the total energy of the products is less than the total energy of the reactants. Endothermic reactions are chemical reactions in which the reactants absorb heat energy from the surroundings to form products. These reactions lower the temperature of their surrounding area, thereby creating a cooling effect.
What is TEE, Total energy expenditure?
TEE, the total energy expenditure has three components:

- Activity-related energy expenditure (AEE) – AEE is the amount of energy body consume for exercise & basic functions like walking, sitting, standing, jumping or any body movement.
- Resting metabolic rate (RMR) – It is the rate at which our body burns energy when it is at complete rest and performing basic functions like breathing and circulation. RMR accounts for 60% of total TEE.
- Thermic effect of food (TEF) – This is the energy expenditure associated with the digestion, absorption, metabolism, and storage of food. It is also known as Specific dynamic action (SDA) or dietary-induced thermogenesis (DIT), the is the fuel for the body while processing food for storage. TEF accounts for approximately 10% of TEE.
How can total energy expenditure be increased?
Anything increasing Thermic effect of food (TEF) will impact total TEE example, frequent physical activity increases the resting metabolic rate. Total energy expenditure can be increase by doing post-exercise fasting (or less food intake).
How do you calculate total energy expenditure?
Total Energy expenditure is the sum of total calories burned by the human body in one day., ie TEE = TEF+RMR+AEE.
Takeaway: Enhancing Metabolism impact 60% of TEE and hence maximum energy burn by the body. There are various ways with which we can enhance the metabolism rate. Sharing a few easy steps.
Directions for Biohacking Metabolism:
Brisk walk early in the morning
There’s nothing quite as relaxing and rejuvenating as an early morning walk at the crack of dawn. An increasing number of studies show that people who take morning works have enhanced cognitive levels throughout the day in addition to cardiovascular benefits. You could opt for binaural beats, relaxing music or meditative tunes as you go through a moderately brisk walk to pump up your muscles and organs.
Warm water with fresh lemon juice
Post your refreshing walk, have a large glass of warm lemon water. For centuries, lemon water has been a remedy for liver detoxification. In addition to detoxifying the liver, it can also speed up your metabolism.
Move about as much as possible during the day
Sitting is as harmful as smoking, according to a growing number of health experts. The detrimental effects of a sedentary life have impacted many individuals with numerous lifestyle disorders. While walking treadmills or standing desks are quite the rage these days, but you have don’t one, there’s no need to fret. You can try these simple measures to up your metabolism. If your job calls you to sit for more than eight hours a day, keep a reminder to stand up every 15 minutes. To keep your circadian rhythm aligned, try taking a walk around your office every one hour. Use the stairwell as much as possible during your breaks, and if you have to sit for an extended period of time, you can adopt isometric exercises to keep your joints and movements flexible.
Make deep breathing exercises part of your daily routine
Studies as far back as in the 1990s revealed how deep breathing exercises sped up metabolism. The science behind it is that enhanced oxygen intake increases the transportation of oxygen to cells, thus optimizing cellular metabolic activity.
If weight loss or weight maintenance is your objective, it can help to know that keeping your body moving can be key. Adopt the method of 60% diet, 20% exercise and 20% biohacking to view dramatic, positive results.
Work on Irregular Sleeps – why biohack sleep?
Individuals with sleep problems or irregular sleep patterns report a high probability of physical activity reduction. Physical Activity is directly proportional to AEE and hence Improve your sleep to increase. Also, we published s detailed a guide on how to transform your irregular sleep.
Bonus Tips (Biohacking Metabolism)
Feel free to follow these tips as well to biohack your metabolism:
Drink Every morning – 1 spoon apple cider vinegar + 1cupWarm water or 1 spoon of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) + 1cup Warm water + half spoon Cinnamon powder
Go Wheat less and explore another side of foodgasm. Learn What is Belly.
Sugar is a slow poison – A complete goodbye to Sugar, it’s a slow poison
Explore orgasmic drinks with a mix of anti-oxidants like a) Celleray juice mixed with orange, lime, ginger b) Watermelon+ginger+lime
Supplement and Vitamins that boosts & biohack metabolism?
While Vitamins are essential for metabolism functioning, here is the list of all the supplements that can help in boosting metabolism.
Vitamin B
All types of Vitamin B helps our body to metabolize, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and to promote the use the stored energy in food. Thiamine (B-1), helps the body cells convert carbohydrates into energy. Food source to get Vitamin B are beans, lentils, milk, eggs, lean meat, whole grains, potatoes and bananas.
Vitamin D
In a research report, it is found that Obese people usually have a deficiency of Vitamin D and calcium. Also, taking calcium and vitamin D supplements has an impact on stomach fat than people not consuming any supplements. Food source to get Vitamin D are cod liver oil, sardines, tuna, salmon, egg yolk, fortified milk, yoghurt and fortified cereals
Iron is a critical component required by our body to create energy from nutrients. It helps in carrying oxygen to all of the cells of the body. The movement of oxygen right from muscles helps the body to immediately burn the fat and produce energy. Food source of Iron: lean meats, shellfish, beans and spinach.
Green tea extract
Green tea helps the body to relax and increase total energy expenditure and fat oxidation. It also reduces fat production and absorption by the body.
Caffeine can help the body to increase thermogenesis. There are various reports, that backs the data that people can burn more calories when they are taking a minimum dose of 270 milligrams (mg) of caffeine every day. While Caffeine is good, overconsumption is not good to biohack sleep.
It is another substance that can help our body to turn fat into energy. The human body produces L-carnitine in liver and kidneys but external supplements like meat, dairy products, nuts, and legumes can induce it in the body. There is a report backing that supports the fact that L-carnitine might provide some anti-obesity benefits for the body.
Chromium is known to enhance the action of insulin hormone which is very critical for metabolism and storage of fat, carbohydrate and protein in the body. Chromium supplements can help to burn more calories, lower body appetite, biohack your body fat, and help to boost your muscle mass.
Biohacking is DIY (Do it yourself) ways & experiments on body. Some of the technique may work for body and some may not. Biohacking is scaling things which is working for better health, mind, body or sleep. Example: You want to go out for party and drink but want to compensate it some metabolism biohack like drinking a cup of warm water with Apple cider vinegar & intermediate fasting.
Biohacking diet is DIY ways to implement small changes in the things & the way you eat. It can include things like what to drink first thing in the morning, doing intermediate fasting, removing wheat from the diet, avoid having dinner after sunset, portion control etc. Diets like Atkins diet, The Zone diet, Ketogenic diet, Vegetarian diet, Vegan diet, Weight Watchers diet, South Beach diet or Raw food diet is a subset if Biohacking diet, something might work for you somethings might not. You have to experiment and find out which is best for you.
Your circadian rhythm is a biological cycle that consists of various processes that take place within 24 hours. And this circadian rhythm is impacted by three critical factors.
Light: Stare into bright, natural sunlight for 30 minutes to reset your circadian rhythm.
Time: Your daily schedule, your time of waking and sleeping, and how you perform all your tasks is what impacts your sleeping and waking cycle.
Melatonin: This is a crucial sleep hormone that controls your body temperature and causes drowsiness. We have written various guides on biohacking sleep.
Ways to Biohack sleep
Switch off all artificial lights: Power down all artificial light from your smartphone, television or computer screen. Since melatonin is sensitive to light, if your body is exposed to light even after sunset, it may not be able to enter the sleep phase and prepare your body for good sleep.
Meditation and relaxation techniques: Begin deep breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation methods such as practising gratitude, or writing a daily journal that can lower your stress levels.
Stay away from caffeine before bedtime: Remember to keep caffeine only till noontime. This can give you enough time to wear off caffeine effects before you head off to sleep.
External aids: Blue blocking lens and covering your bedroom with blackout curtains or wearing an eye mask can help you fall asleep faster and energise you for your next day.
Smart drugs or cognitive enhancers are known as Nootropics are natural or synthetic substances that can improve a wide range of mental and physical capabilities. As of 2020, its research is at a preliminary stage, and adoption is low due to lack of awareness. Note: The term “nootropic” is derived from Ancient Greek words, νόος (nóos) = “mind” & τροπή (tropḗ) = “a turning”.
Here are some popular ones that you must know:
Caffeine– a psychoactive substance that improves fatigue.
L-Theanine– increase alpha-waves in the brain, linked to creativity.
Creatine– an amino acid used to make protein and beneficial for the brain.
Bacopa monnieri– Ayurvedic medicine to enhance brain function.
Phosphatidylserine– keeps your mind and memory sharp.
Rhodiola Rosea– an adaptogenic herb that handles stress more effectively.
Panax ginseng root– an ancient medicinal plant used to boost brain function.I’m also testig this since last 1 month, results are good.
Ginkgo biloba tree– supplements that can improve positive effects on your brain.
Noopept– a synthetic smart drug that can be purchased as a supplement.
Piracetam– synthetic nootropic molecule helps to improve memory. Testest this for 3 weeks, good one. You can get it in local medical store as well
Phenotropil or phenylpiracetam– synthetic smart drug helps the brain recover from various injuries like stroke, epilepsy and trauma
Provigil or modafinil– a prescription drug that reduces fatigue and improves memory.
Lion’s mane mushroom– a mushroom that protects against dementia, reduces anxiety and depression and helps repair nerve damage
Maritime pine extract– a natural herb that stimulates the immune system, prevents infections and has antioxidant effects.
Thanks for sharing this.